Stina Loving

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Välkommen till Slow Fashion District

Utsett av TIME till ett av världens hundra bästa ställen att besöka. 

Foto: Emma Obrelius

På kartan

Slow Fashion District handlar om samarbete 

19 second hand butiker inom en liten radie

Tillsammans med två second hand butiker driver Stina Loving, Slow Fashion Hub på Hornsgatan i Stockholm. Det var hubens initiativ att samarbeta och gemensamt uppkalla området Slow Fashion District, som nu är utnämnt till ett av hundra bästa ställen i världen, enligt TIME.

Bild: Emma Obrelius

Stina Loving X MWH of Sweden

A unique earring collection,

made from textile waste

Light weight earrings made from textile waste.

When producing clothing, it’s essential to maximize the use of materials—something the Swedish company MWH excels at. Leftover materials from MWH’s garment production was donated to re-designer Stina Löving, who specializes in repurposing and upcycling made a collection of light weight earrings.

Irmas Fabric initiated the project and facilitated the collaboration between MWH and Stina Löving. The design partnership resulted in MWH now being able to clearly demonstrate their commitment to using all materials in their production process, showcasing their strong sense of environmental awareness.

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